We exist to help the mighty conquer addiction.

The Mighty Mehal Foundation exists to provide financial assistance to those who wish to pursue a life of recovery in Central Pennsylvania.


Tickets for A Mighty Night on sale now!


Scholarships given


Recovery homes supported


Proceeds go toward recovery



In honor of Shaun Mehal

Shaun "Mighty" Mehal was known for his love of Star Wars, the Philadelphia Eagles, music, and the casino—and he could always be found wearing his white Pumas.

On the early morning of February 5, 2017, Shaun Mehal died from an overdose. Shaun had been drug-free for over two and a half years and was extremely active in the Lancaster recovery community.



Apply for a scholarship

Scholarships are awarded every month. If you live in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania and meet our criteria, you are eligible to apply.

Learn about our application process →

  • We support anyone in the Central Pennsylvania area. Learn more about our application requirements.

  • We award at least one scholarship every month. In some cases, multiple scholarships may be awarded.

  • To submit an application, fill out this form.

  • We couldn’t do what we do without your support. The easiest way to send and receive donations is through PayPal (mightymehalfund@gmail.com). If you would prefer to donate through another method, contact us.